Chagrin Valley Engineering, Ltd. (CVE) provides a full complement of professional surveying services for our clients in the public and private sectors.
Our licensed professional surveyors and field crews work closely with our clients to determine the appropriate level of detail needed based on the complexity of their project.
CVE delivers timely, accurate surveys that serve as the foundation for all proposed improvements.
Our surveying services include:
Boundary and Topographic Surveys
Establishing right-of-way and Centerline Control
Existing conditions surveys of highway right-of-way
Construction staking for underground utility installation
Construction staking for roadway improvements
Structural layout for foundations and structural steel
Prequalified for ODOT right of way acquisition plan preparation
American Land Title Association (ALTA) Surveys
Subdivision plats, lot consolidations and street dedications
Coordinate controls for aerial mapping
Our project responsibilities included review of flow data, existing conditions survey, improvement plans and specifications, approvals from the Ohio EPA Dept. of Environmental Finance, project bidding and award recommendation, full construction management including construction observation.