Chagrin Valley Engineering Ltd.'s (CVE) Professional Engineers and Certified Professionals in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC) are experts in designing cost effective, environmentally sound stormwater management systems.
Water resources and stormwater management is integrated into every phase of planning and design, from layout and grading to the design appropriate stormwater treatment systems such as water quality ponds, grass swales and constructed wetlands.
Our stormwater services include:
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Phase II Stormwater Management Programs
Monitoring & Maintenance Programs for Post-Construction Stormwater Facilities
Preparation & Permitting of Site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3)
SWP3 Compliance Inspections of Construction Sites
CVE's team of water resources and stormwater professionals have vast experience working in both the public and private sector. CVE assists communities implementing their Stormwater Management Programs as required by the Ohio EPA Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) permit. CVE compiles the information necessary to complete the required annual reports and is able to assist communities with each of the six Minimum Control Measures (MCM).
Our project responsibilities included review of flow data, existing conditions survey, improvement plans and specifications, approvals from the Ohio EPA Dept. of Environmental Finance, project bidding and award recommendation, full construction management including construction observation.