CVE Secures Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District MCIP Funding for Maple Heights
The City of Maple Heights was recently awarded a $1,021,887.00 grant by the Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) through the 2021 Member Community Infrastructure Program (MCIP) for the Maple Heights Manhole Sewer Separation Project - Phase 2 (Northeast Quadrant).
The Maple Heights Manhole Sewer Separation Project identifies and removes sources of inflow and infiltration from the sewer system with the goal of significantly reducing or eliminating sewer backups.
CVE was proud to serve as consulting City Engineer for The City of Maple Heights Manhole Sewer Separation Project.
Chagrin Valley Engineering, Ltd (CVE) serves as the consulting City Engineer for Maple Heights and submitted a comprehensive repair and rehabilitation plan for the project as required under the competitive MCIP application process.
The MCIP is administered by NEORSD to assist member communities in addressing water quality and quantity issues associated with sewer infrastructure that adversely impact human health and the environment through cost-effective sewer infrastructure projects.
CVE, as consulting Municipal Engineers, have secured millions of dollars in grants through the NEORSD MCIP, and various other infrastructure funding programs, to help their clients continue progress toward the protection and improvement of the region’s water resources and to promote environmentally sustainable and healthy communities.
Our project responsibilities included review of flow data, existing conditions survey, improvement plans and specifications, approvals from the Ohio EPA Dept. of Environmental Finance, project bidding and award recommendation, full construction management including construction observation.